Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #20 May Day... May Day...

Dear Don1001,
Before long it will be May Day and it probably still be snowing in Leningrad,
oh I forgot, its called Saint Petersburg, again. The Soviet Union didn’t last long in the scope of history but neither did workers’ rights. May Day is also referred to as the International Worker’s day. Which was started to commemorate the fight for an eight-hour workday? In 1958, the Congress changed the International Workers’ Day to Loyalty Day, it sounded too commie and they were right. When Child labor laws were enacted, where did those jobs go? That’s right, straight to third world countries. Seriously, wouldn’t it be better for our country, that the work go to 12 year girls in West Virginia than to kids in Bangladesh? These girls would be much less likely to manufacture Meth or make babies if they’re working a 13-hour shift. Plus those girls now have the opportunity to work their way up to being a floor manager. That’s right, here in America; the exploited can work their way up the food chain and one-day hope to exploit others. From the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s, the sweatshops of the good old US of A, rivaled any sweatshop in the World. When was our country the most economically potent? When we had a bunch of poor people (immigrant or otherwise) that made up an eager workforce that wasn’t afraid of working hard for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for meager wages. Then we went soft. And it didn’t start with the Unions, the long slow descent started with Henry Ford. In January 1914, Ford startled the world by announcing that his company would pay $5 a day to its workers. The pay increase would be accompanied by a shorter workday (from nine to eight hours). This move more than doubled the average autoworker's wage and started the socialist attack on the American way of life, a moral framework dependent on exploiting people to the point where they will risk life and limb to make a living wage. In early 1900’s we had more fatal mining accidents than any other country in the World. In the year 2011, who leads the World in mining accidents? China. And who is literally eating our lunch? China, a coincidence, I don’t think so. No pain, no gain, just ask Larry Kudlow. If we’re going to be a Capitalist society we have to stop being half assed about it. We begin by repealing all environmental and labor laws and unleashing the beast that is American business. Once we were the pirates of the business world and now we’re a bunch quivering old women going “Oh the Chinese”. Fuck the Chinese. If those inbred Wall Street pussies would get their heads out their own asses, the real businessmen of the US would bury the Chinese, literally.
          It’s time for America to walk it, like it talks it, Brother Gregory

 You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #19 Wasted on illusions…

Dear Don1001,
One never knows when a drunken remark in a Nairobi bar, will lead to madness. You see today is the 15th anniversary of the assassination of President Juvenal Habyarimana and the beginning of the Rwandan Genocide. I was having drinks at the Black Diamond bar (the one on Mpaka Road) with the usual suspects. (By “usual suspects”, I mean the gunrunners, mercenaries, diamond smugglers and “black ops” that make Central Africa a living Hell.) When a Hutu gun runner/diamond smuggler asked off handedly, if I thought the U.S. would care if there were a coup in Rwanda. After downing a shot of Kenyan Cane (Rum) and lighting up a joint of Malawi Cob, I exhaled “I don’t think America would give a rat’s ass if the Hutus killed every fucking Tutsi in Rwanda.” And three months later some Hutus said hello to President Juvenal with their little friends (surface to air missiles) and the Rwandan genocide was on, and living the “life” was no longer cool. I got into this business because I was going to change things but ended up loving the “life” because I was no longer “little people” and I was untouchable. But I stayed in the business because of power, perks and beautiful women of color with brains. And until something like a full-fledged massacre happens, you can rationalize your existence pretty fucking easily, especially since you work for the “man”. In fact, out there, you are the “man”. But then one day, the faces of dead Tutsi babies stare you in the face and you start to sob uncontrollably. I had opened up a morning field report while sitting at my kitchen table drinking my Kenyan Estate AA when the photos tumbled out in front of me. And the disconnect was no longer there, the blood of those Tutsi babies were on my hands. Or maybe it wasn’t, but it didn’t matter, because I couldn’t stop crying and when I did stop, I quit. I packed my bags, torched my place and on the way to a clandestine airport, I turned myself in as deceased. When you realize that there isn’t enough decency in the world to waste on illusions, you can no longer be a part of the problem. So I ran hard, fast and deep, telling myself, the genocide would have happened anyway. The biggest lies are not told to others, they are told to oneself.
Friedrich Nietzsche said “Whoever battles with monsters had better see that it does not turn him into a monster.”
Nietzsche didn’t have a fucking clue.
                          Battling monsters daily, Brother Gregory

You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhu

Monday, January 17, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #18 April Fool’s Day...

Dear Don1001,

It’s April’s Fool Day and I’m listening to the Beastie Boys, while wondering who is the fool? It’s been a long night, a real long night. I sit here in my self-imposed exile while contemplating my sins that I have committed to serve the Gods of War, the triggered memories of sights, sounds and smells of violence, especially the smells. When a person intestines, are disrupted, it just has that smell, you know? Then there are the moments of the surreal. When was it? El Salvador 83’? I was loading a young man into a copter, who had just been shot. There was very small hole in his chest and there was hardly any blood, it seemed absurd that he was dying. But as I shifter him onto the stretcher, I could feel the blood rolling around in his lungs. He was dead before they got off the pad. Some things you wear for a lifetime. The first time you do first person violence. Not the cruising at 15,000 feet or sniper’s scope stuff, but up close and personal, so you see the look in their eyes as you cut them. With me, the one thing that I could never get use to, was the women, the defense of Liberty isn’t sexist. I guess women can call this a victory for gender rights. 20 years after, I want to believe they are fantasies of a sick mind and not my memories. Some people liked what they did; I never got use to doing “my job”. Will God forgive sins committed for other people? It is ironic that my soul may have been lost for a country that knows nothing of my deeds or me nor do they want to know, because the killer in me was the killer in them. So tonight, I miss you Donnie. This one is a bad one and your stories would get me through this. For some reason the summer of 91’ keeps coming up in the RAM. It was late July and that desert averaged 108 during the day and 55 at night. We had lost guys and you were convinced, you weren’t going to make it. We had a “night move” and you kept saying, “I got a bad feeling about this one.” Over and over, until I lost it and told you “to shut the fuck up” and you did. Later, when we got drunk and you told me that when I yelled, you knew it was going to be okay. Donnie, that was one of the coolest moments of my life. Too bad we got old, we had good run, didn’t we?
                              You will always live until I die, Brother Gregory
You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #17 Back In The Bunker...

Dear Don1001,
I’ve been up for 48 hours, but I’m back in the Bunker now and I hope that I never have to leave, again. Because after eating, sleeping with and talking with my new found Tea Party pals for the last 48 hours, I’m more convinced now than ever, we are going to have a violent revolution that will fill the streets with righteous indignity and blood. But I’m afraid it will be these true patriots that will end up swinging from the trees because, although well meaning, basically they’re clueless. They want to persecute the people trying to help them as they blindly follow their oppressors. It’s like a mental institution, where the patients lash out at the staff because that’s all they got to hate. And its fear and hate that are the only things that these people really share. So the chance of them getting their Shit together enough to do anything meaningful is slim and none, with Slim getting ready to leave town. Yes I know that it’s an old joke, but so is the notion that the people can take back their government. How can you take back something that you never had in the first place? Marshal McLuhan said, “1984 happened back in the 1930’s just no one noticed.” These people are in love with the fantasy of country that never existed. What were the good the good old days, anyway? Was it the 50’s 60’s and 70’s, when we had segregation, date rape and homophobia? Was it the 80’s when we started our slow and steady descent into rampant materialism? When was this supposed Golden Age? Because the masses are sure as Hell, aren’t waxing nostalgic over the OO’s. As a minor scholar of History, I consider the first decade of the millennia, as being fucked up in truly epic proportions. So what do these people want? After two days of being in the world of the Tea Party people, I still don’t have clue and I suspect neither do they. But fear and loathing is fertile ground for revolution since the early days of the French Republic and so it goes. I have to get some sleep and if I’m lucky, I’ll sleep for three days.
                         Happy to be behind concrete, Brother Gregory

You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #16 Coming up for Air...

Dear Don1001,
It’s time for a reconnaissance mission, plus I’m out of supplies. I under estimated the guts of the American people and overestimated my ability to be self-sufficient. Plus there is a local Tea Party Rally, so I can hide in plain sight. The Cops will be too terrified to mess with anyone. The “Powers That Be” know that a shit-storm is brewing and the least little thing like a Cop going Rambo on a little old lady with a Taser and there could be warfare in the streets. So I’m stoking up on Blueberry Haze (Two Cannabis Cup winners crossed – God Bless Alan Dronkers & DJ Short) and listening to Aryan Death Metal while getting on my camouflage:
Rockport Walking shoes with white athletic socks.
Blue Jeans that are one size too large and pressed, worn high as possible around the waist.
“No Bama” Baseball Cap
“I Love Caribou Barbi” T-shirt
Salmon colored Members only jacket that is one size too small with broken zipper.
A placard that says, “I want my Country Back!”
One pair of Oversized Cataract Sun Glasses.

With this stealth outfit I will be like a ninja, infiltrating the Tea Party, seamlessly. Once I’m “inside” I can see if these people have the right stuff to take back our country from those, that would keep us on our knees, The New World Order – Illuminati – The Council. You can call it you want but it’s all knowing and all-powerful. And if you fuck with them, you disappear, quickly. The Tea Party people think they “know”, but they don’t know. Seriously, if the Tea baggers did “know”, they probably wouldn’t show up in public protesting without a disguise. If these people knew the power behind the power, they would be too busy peeing all over themselves to protest. The Illuminati are straight up, First World Gangsters that have no soul and worship only power. Fuck with them and you will be dispatched with extreme prejudice. This is the big time, play for keeps power politics, that most don’t know about or wish to know, that includes Obama, Gore, Palin or McCain and the rest of those clueless Mother Fuckers that inhabit the Congress. Well I have everything for my mission. Ammo, Suicide pills (they’ll never take me) Khat, a couple U.S. Gold Coins (The Tea Party’s favorite currency) and a dozen condoms. Now I have to set my timer to blow the bunker in 48 hours, if I don’t make it. 
                    Fighting the good fight, Brother Gregory

You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #15 Den Hague.....

Dear Don1001,

Before the end of the week, former United States Vice President Dick Cheney will be indicted by Nigerian officials in connection with the long-running bribery investigation into Halliburton Company, according to Bloomberg News.

You have to wonder what Dick Cheney thinks, when he reads a Headline like that, because if anyone takes a fall for War Crimes in Iraq, it ain’t going to be Dubya. Say what you want about “Shrub’s” intelligence, but no one understands “plausible deniability” more than the Bushes. You don’t have a hundred year old political dynasty without knowing, when and where, to bury bodies both figuratively and literally. Dubya started covering his track about a year into his second term. Dick Cheney thought Bush was going soft. Dubya wasn’t going soft, he was going smart. The Bushes don’t think next week, they think next decade. “Extremism in the defense of Liberty is never a vice”. But there will be a price to be paid when you violate about a half dozen “crimes against humanity”. No one knows about the “New World Order” better than Old Man Bush. Ol George knows that sooner or later the World Court will hand down warrants for a score of U.S. officials with Dick Cheney at the top of the list. Noticeably absent will be George W. Bush’s name. This is because the “Black Ops” of history have successfully “Hoovered” his legacy. Now a couple of years after Dubya has left office, I challenge anyone to find any proof of Bush committing any War Crime. You won’t, there is no there, there anymore. Those, who have the “juice”, always write with history. And as much as people don’t want to see or admit it, Dick Cheney was always a hired hand. But don’t cry for Dick, as long as he stays in the U.S. and stays away from those really Blue States, he can hide in plain sight. But if he ventures into certain areas of the country that are plagued by a sense of “decency”, all bets are off, because bleeding heart liberals would drop a dime on Dick in a heart-beat. In fact, they might chip in for the airfare. And if I were Dick, I’d stay away from Europe, now. You can bet there is race between France, Belgium and the Netherlands on who tries to prosecute Cheney, first. The city of Hague is called Den Hague by the Dutch. The World Court sentences War Criminals to a prison situated in Den Hague, that gets cold, very cold during the Winter. At this point in Dick’s life, I don’t think he really wants to spend the twilight of his life in a cold prison, while Dubya is sucking down Coronas in the Texas Sun, as Jeb starts his Presidential run.
            I think there is a moral in there somewhere, Brother Gregory
You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #14 The insatiable need for closure...

Dear Don1001,
Woke up this morning, hoping that the last couple of years were the result of a very bad batch of mushrooms, it wasn't. Obama is the President of the United States and the Military/Industrial complex is still, very chic. Yep, the Good Ol boys are still firmly entrenched, no matter what the Tea Party people say. And this won’t change, because for the last couple years all the TV transmissions in this country have been digital, and all TV programs were encoded with subliminal messages when being converted from analog to digital with the American public as a mind control lab rat. So right about now is when the whole-scale ”brain-washing” starts getting results. Notice how Obama is only Democrat that ratings have gone up lately? Don’t be surprised if a year from now Obama doesn’t have an 80% approval rating and his re-election becomes a foregone conclusion. (Luckily I’ve developed a device that filters all telecommunication devices safe from mind control signals.) Present day Digital TV is the biggest threat to the American way of life, since Fluoride was put in the water and no one sees it. Obama distracted everyone with taxes, healthcare and “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” all the while hijacking the American Airwaves for the last couple of years. That was the story and no noticed. Obama is the master magician doing what he wants, with the Tea Party and the Far Right watching one hand, while the “Far Left” is still debating whether the other hand even exists. If it weren't for my "Hens and Chicks" Opium poppies I probably would have gouged out my eyes by now. These poppies have more raw morphine per pod than anything I have ever seen. Good thing, otherwise it's Black Op time. "Incoming! Haji at the wire! Hit the Claymore's! Man down!" You know there's nothing like an Afghan Flashback to make everything perfectly clear. You have to kill them, before they kill you. Speaking of Afghanistan, we should have hatched all of the poison out of the mud, after we took down the Russians, we should have taken out all of the Taliban. We could have done the dirty deed in a few weeks. Sure there would have been some innocent women and children that would have been dispatched arbitrarily, well maybe a lot, but that thins the herd and keeps people focused. Of course, it seems extreme now, but at one point, so was post Newtonian Physics. But we learned to live with, what we couldn’t see, quite well, didn't we?
Maybe Obama sees the future and most of us, don’t. Maybe he realizes that the future is always built on the back of the past. Yes, Destruction as an Art form. Yes, that’s it, Obama is an Artist. Tear it down, so we can build it again, destroy it over and over, until we get it right. We weren't afraid to do that it in Nam. We were much more morally focused, then. Sure there was a lot of "collateral damage", but when you "Carpet Bomb" it kind of comes with the territory. Think of it, most of the victims were Buddhist, so they were coming back anyway. Reincarnation, just means we were doing them a favor. Speaking of wanton destruction, that brings back one of my fondest memories: of when I was a 19, hearing a senior officer that was briefing us about an upcoming particularly destructive raid in Nam, the CO advised: "Sometimes you have to destroy a village, in order to save it."
This is exactly the morally clarity this Country needs right now.
Brother Gregory
You can view these rants in a form of a Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Hljarboe?feature=mhum
