Monday, October 25, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #6 The Spanish Civil War

Dear Don1001,
"Come back with your shield, or on it" Spartan Mothers told their warrior sons “or don’t come back.”
I’m still in the bunker. Mom knew. Either come back with your shield or on it. Everybody keeps talking about Obama; it’s Gore, Gore, Gore. With Gore, everyday his legacy fades. Every night obscurity gets closer. With Al, will there be a final act of defiance? Will Al come out of the Hills and take back the mantle of a failed Liberal agenda back, once Obama begins to fail? Will Tipper join him in a supreme expression of their eternal love? Will there be armed liberals in the street, Pinkos with Assault Rifles – think Spanish Civil War, indiscriminate killing of Conservatives (so that Penguins can live). Think the Tim Robbins Brigade verses the Glen Beck Black Ops in Prime Time. All in real time – 24/7 now that’s great TV. Fox News verses MSNBC for the quickest source for the sights and sounds of war. “Chance Jones reporting here as I’m literally watching my Field Producer taking her last breaths after walking into a fire fight as members of Green peace and local Tea Party members exchanged machine gun fire.” Jesus this Khat tastes like crap! But makes up for the fact that I forgot Coffee. Didn't realize what a blinding addiction I had to Coffee or I how much I drank. That cutting of Khat that "Big Mike" brought back from his tour in Somalia is growing faster daily. The Somalians chewed this stuff in the morning instead of drinking coffee. And when the Somalians got geeked up on this stuff, they were bad asses! Got to admit it does have a certain "something-something" that goes real well with high-octane reefer. Especially when you "wake and bake". The hard is part is figuring out the dosages (one wad of Khat to one joint?) Where the Hell am I? Oh yeah, and of what of the man, who now has the Power, our sweet Prince, Obama? As he counts the hours to his coronation, is there the realization of set and setting? Do the sugarplums of what can be, dance through his head, or is it a growing list of scores to be settled? Lincoln said, "If you want to judge a man's character, give him power." Some many questions, so few answers. In times past, many a newly formed Monarch had to dispatch a relative to early grave to consolidate power. Nothings says I'm large and in charge like killing an immediate family member or a political rival. If Obama had any “stones” Dick Cheney would die in a couple of weeks after a mysterious illness. If he needs any technical advice call Putin, the Russians are wonderful at poisoning political rivals. The liberals bought themselves a President, thinking that he was one of them. Of course the industrialists of Germany thought the same thing about Hitler. Funny things happen when people come out from under the shadow of others. Nero was mild mannered until he got rid of his mother, then there was Hell to pay. Often one never knows the true character of a ruler until it’s too late. Kind of creepy isn't? But then reality often is.
Behind a meter of concrete, Brother Gregory
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #5 LD (Lethal Dosage) 50

Dear Don1001,
Do not know if you are reading these things. It doesn't matter now. Once you're in the bunker, you’re on your own. The time is now spent with Random thoughts entering the brain. Momentary bits of clarity jumbled together with Memories. Memories, memories, are they mine or somebody else's? Does it matter? A hard drive only holds so much data, and then it begins to reject new data. Hard drives don't differentiate the quality of data, only the amount. So I'm not responsible for this, the Reptile Brain is. Brain Stem Philosophy; bypass 50,000 years of misspent evolution. Food, Sex, and Drugs, the Holy Trinity. Alistair Crowley understood, so did Captain Crunch. In it for the long run, Political Junkies need only to apply. Speaking which, what of Al? What of Al, indeed. When a Hack like Gore no longer has elections, no babies to kiss, there will be withdrawal. I've seen it, John Edwards where are you, Now? Or will he get help? Hi, I'm Al and I'm a Political Junkie. Or will he be in denial and go on a binge, risking an Overdose. There is a pharmaceutical term called LD 50, which is the dosage that would be lethal to 50% of the population. And I figure that it will take a pretty big dose of adulation and hype to get Al buzzed right now. And there lies the rub, there are bold political junkies and old political junkies, rarely are they the same. Al could overdose very easily right now. Been there, done that, It's a weird feeling as you're pushing in the plunger and realize maybe I should have done only 2 "Dime Bags" instead of 3. Yes, Mommy, I'm going to be President. I just need a little more juice. Come on man, just give me a taste! No, Al, I don't think the "man" is coming. It's going to have to be Oxycontin, Wild Irish Rose and a bottle of Nyquil, tonight. No China White, not even Mexican Black Tar, yup Hillbilly Heroin. That's what they call in the hills of Tennessee, Oxycontin, fortified wine and over the counter cough medicine. You see after you run for president, there's nowhere to go, but down. Ask Bob Dole. After you tell the world that you can no longer get your “Dick” hard, it's just a step away from being a sideshow geek. The Horror, The Horror. But that's the future for Al Gore; the stakes are high, winner take all. There probably should be somebody with him at all times, 2012 is calling Al like a Hooker to a sailor on shore leave. The next several months will be the worst. After that, as it is for all addicts, it will be up to Al. The main thing is for Al to admit he has a problem. If not, look for an overdose in Hotel Room. Your humble servant,
Brother Gregory
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Monday, October 18, 2010

#4 Still In The Bunker..

Dear Don1001,
On the anniversary Kennedy’s assassination, I can't believe people aren't in the streets, yet. Don't they realize what is happening in Washington? There are none as blind as those who will not see. Maybe it is destiny that most of this generation gets wiped out, so the ones that survive can build a new Anarchist-Utopian Capitalist society. Nobody else it seems has the balls. Every generation eventually sells out, and picks up the mantle of the status quo, the embarrassing thing is that ours did it so meekly. Yes, our generation was going to be one that broke the mold. We were going to change things. Instead when asked if we wanted the Jacuzzi and the trip to France or what could be the future behind door #1, we took the Jacuzzi and the trip to France. And now we tell ourselves that owning a Hybrid SUV is an example of going rogue. Since when did not growing up, become a political act? I am truly disgusted by our generation; we latch onto conservatism or liberalism not because these ideas are right, but because they make us feel better. There is the epiphany! Maybe our generation didn't want to make the world better, we just wanted feel better about the world. Is it not better to look good than feel good? Maybe the last fifty years has been about self-esteem. It sure hasn't been about reality. If it was, Materialism would come out of the closet and be designated a new religion. Celebrities would become the High Priests, with fame and fortune as the new aesthetic. Remember the only people who don't like gated communities are the people that don't live in them. Come on over to the "Dark Side, Luke." If that's what we are as a people, maybe we should run with it. Maybe we should all wear white and become disciples. Gordon Gecko as the new Prophet. Bring back Morgan, Vanderbilt and Carnegie as Greek Gods. They didn't whine when people referred to them as money-grubbing bastards. They wore their derision with pride. Bill Gates is the richest man of our time. Think about it, when is the last time Bill "Bitch slapped" an assistant? When is the last time Bill authorized his security people to gun down a bunch of workers on strike? No, it wouldn't play well with the press. Plastic people, made for plastic times. Where are the new Titans? They’re reading their self-help books.
Now back to finding the perfect chemical balance.
Your humble servant,
Brother Gregory
P.S. Changed timer to sex the Cannabis, can't wait to see how many girls there are.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

#3 Hatching All Of The Poison Out Of The Mud

Dear Don1001,
    The first crop of Psilocybin mushrooms has been harvested and I‘ve found a Satellite that has more channels than the law should allow. So as the hallucinogens kick in and I begin to surf 457 television channels, I am prepared for the long haul. In the words of the immortal one, Hunter S. Thompson: "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
And I Sir, am a professional. Amateurs need not apply. It's not a time for the weak and feeble minded. It's time for hard-core politicos like Machiavelli, who knew how to play for keeps. You see Niccolo' understood that History is the only judge. One's peers do not count in the "Big Picture". Not like the lightweight players in today’s drama. On every channel, you see so-called journalist like Beck, Blitzer, Limbaugh, Matthews and the other political junkies micro-analyzing every the meaning of every bit of minutiae. Analyzing politicians that are sound and fury with no real meaning. But not to worry, all vacuums are eventually filled. It is law of physics and political power. But there lies the rub this process is seldom orderly and quite often violent. That’s why I’m living in the confines of a bunker to continue to be free, this irony makes realize that change is the constant and flux is the status quo. And we are getting old. In our youth we would have crashed a good Hotel and called down to the front desk ordered a couple of cases of Wild Turkey, a gross of (ruby red) grapefruits, and few hundred pounds of crushed ice. Then invite over the Outlaws MC (Copyright protected) and the Crips (Copyright protected) to balance out the demographics. All the while, hoping that the Ethyl Ether that you’ve been huffing all day doesn't cause a king-sized, Hellfire explosion. And after everybody got to know his or her new neighbors, we’d gone down to the Capitol and kicked somebody's ass. It's a shame but the real reason people were in the streets in the 60’s was to get laid and get "High". The truth is that most people in the 60's were politically naive, and four decades later they're still as clueless. The exception is that now people are totally spineless and whine a whole lot more. The "Generation that was going to change the World", now wait in their townhouses like a bunch of old women, hoping Obama won't mess with their Social Security benefits. Confronting the horror of old age and not giving a fuck about anyone except themselves. To think, at one time that we were going to fight for these people.      

                                                     Your humble servant,
                                                                              Brother Gregory                                                                  
P.S. All of the seeds are up and the Jack Herer has second set of leaves. First batch of beer is ready to drink (Trying to age it a little bit). To messed up now to use bottler. Jeez these shrooms are fucking great!

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

#2 "Securing The Hatches..."

Dear Don 1001,
Don't know if you made it "in" or not. I knew not to leave messages for the others. Eventually I’ll try to post messages at one of our favorite sites. But from what I'm getting off of the message boards it sounds like what we’ve been saying for years, the shit is ready to come down the "Mountain". Man I'm excited but it's scary, as Hell. After all of those years of being vigilant, we knew it was coming. I tried to tell others, but they bought the "Big Lie". With American public, all you have to do is dust it off and repackage it. The coup against Kennedy was so much more civilized, only thirty or so people paid for that one with their lives. This coup will be much more bloody, for this one the tab will be in the thousands. But hey, what's the going price of democracy in a First World country, on the black-market, anyway?
     You'll be glad to know that I got all of my seeds in the Rockwool, except the poppies. I told you that learning hydroponics and plant breeding was the way to go. With such a diverse (Cannabis) gene pool, I can spend next twenty years coming up with my own variety of Superweed. Anyway here is what I got planted in my garden: Basil, a lot of beans, Cannabis Sativa and Indica( 5 types) Green peppers, Khat, mushrooms (psilocybin and shitake) red peppers, rosemary, sage and tomatoes. Planted on the 10th and already have several seeds sprouting. Plus got a ten-gallon batch of the infamous "Pale Ale" starting to work. The yeast would like it to be warmer, you know, but the mushrooms love it! That's right, I got the Psilocybin mushroom spores are hard at work. Soon I will have the poppy seeds sprouted, as well. Just like the manual says: Opium is good for flesh wounds and phosphorous burns.
       Meanwhile I have started to fix up the place and get the ventilation better. First couple of days in here the oxygen level was kind of low. The Solar panels (camouflaged) have charged up the batteries. So its time to busted up a "Big Fatty" and try to pick up some television from reliable sources. Although its getting harder and harder to find any news that can be trusted. But I’m feeling better with every toke. (Cannabis - millions served happily everyday.) Which it is what it all boils down to, my friend, who gets to control the nation’s supply? Il Capo de Capo, so to speak.  The boys and girls in the White House just want a small “taste” of what goes through the Country. You know, just make sure that the whole thing goes smoothly. And if we pay and don't cause too much trouble, we get just enough to keep us going.  
                     Free till I die, Brother Gregory

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Monday, October 11, 2010

#1 "Running For Cover..."

Dear Don 1001,

I hope this message finds you before it all goes to Hell. There was no time to call I knew I had to render all forms of communication that could be traced, useless. So I'm in the bunker now. It just wasn’t the time to hesitate. Empires far stronger than our own have been ripped apart with much less cause. After Obama got elected the cosmic fabric of the Universe was torn. When a half Kansas and half Kenyan with an Islamic name becomes President, it’s a bridge too far. So tonight might be the night that the whole Shit-storm begins. Think about it, Coups always happen at night and preferably on the weekends. By now, I fear the decision about who will supposedly lead country has been taken out of the hands of the "Little People". Remember in "Blade Runner" where the Inspector tells Decker "If you ain't one of us, you're "Little People".  Well I'm sure that the “Palinites” and “Obamanistas” are arming their camps and making "The List". You know the one "friends & enemies" because when crunch time comes, you got to know who you can depend on or who you’ll have to rip their guts from their still quivering body. Ah! The adrenaline rush of high stakes power politics, you can smell it in the air. Remember this, power is never given, it’s always taken. So it eventually it boils down to will get the Armed Forces to make a deal. And who knows what Faustian deals will be made to deliver the mantle of the White House. But it won't be pretty, it never is. Just ask Dick.
    I think I got everything I need. Got fuel, water, rice, beans, seeds and enough chemicals to make anything I might need. Granted I would have liked to obtain a few more hundred rounds of .223 full-metal jacket. If they come after me, I'll just have to make every shot count. Well I have to set-up a grow room and microbrewery. Hope you make it. I’ll try to communicate when discretion is assured.
                              Your humble servant,
                                                              Brother Gregory

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