"Come back with your shield, or on it" Spartan Mothers told their warrior sons “or don’t come back.”
I’m still in the bunker. Mom knew. Either come back with your shield or on it. Everybody keeps talking about Obama; it’s Gore, Gore, Gore. With Gore, everyday his legacy fades. Every night obscurity gets closer. With Al, will there be a final act of defiance? Will Al come out of the Hills and take back the mantle of a failed Liberal agenda back, once Obama begins to fail? Will Tipper join him in a supreme expression of their eternal love? Will there be armed liberals in the street, Pinkos with Assault Rifles – think Spanish Civil War, indiscriminate killing of Conservatives (so that Penguins can live). Think the Tim Robbins Brigade verses the Glen Beck Black Ops in Prime Time. All in real time – 24/7 now that’s great TV. Fox News verses MSNBC for the quickest source for the sights and sounds of war. “Chance Jones reporting here as I’m literally watching my Field Producer taking her last breaths after walking into a fire fight as members of Green peace and local Tea Party members exchanged machine gun fire.” Jesus this Khat tastes like crap! But makes up for the fact that I forgot Coffee. Didn't realize what a blinding addiction I had to Coffee or I how much I drank. That cutting of Khat that "Big Mike" brought back from his tour in Somalia is growing faster daily. The Somalians chewed this stuff in the morning instead of drinking coffee. And when the Somalians got geeked up on this stuff, they were bad asses! Got to admit it does have a certain "something-something" that goes real well with high-octane reefer. Especially when you "wake and bake". The hard is part is figuring out the dosages (one wad of Khat to one joint?) Where the Hell am I? Oh yeah, and of what of the man, who now has the Power, our sweet Prince, Obama? As he counts the hours to his coronation, is there the realization of set and setting? Do the sugarplums of what can be, dance through his head, or is it a growing list of scores to be settled? Lincoln said, "If you want to judge a man's character, give him power." Some many questions, so few answers. In times past, many a newly formed Monarch had to dispatch a relative to early grave to consolidate power. Nothings says I'm large and in charge like killing an immediate family member or a political rival. If Obama had any “stones” Dick Cheney would die in a couple of weeks after a mysterious illness. If he needs any technical advice call Putin, the Russians are wonderful at poisoning political rivals. The liberals bought themselves a President, thinking that he was one of them. Of course the industrialists of Germany thought the same thing about Hitler. Funny things happen when people come out from under the shadow of others. Nero was mild mannered until he got rid of his mother, then there was Hell to pay. Often one never knows the true character of a ruler until it’s too late. Kind of creepy isn't? But then reality often is.
Behind a meter of concrete, Brother Gregory
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