Monday, October 18, 2010

#4 Still In The Bunker..

Dear Don1001,
On the anniversary Kennedy’s assassination, I can't believe people aren't in the streets, yet. Don't they realize what is happening in Washington? There are none as blind as those who will not see. Maybe it is destiny that most of this generation gets wiped out, so the ones that survive can build a new Anarchist-Utopian Capitalist society. Nobody else it seems has the balls. Every generation eventually sells out, and picks up the mantle of the status quo, the embarrassing thing is that ours did it so meekly. Yes, our generation was going to be one that broke the mold. We were going to change things. Instead when asked if we wanted the Jacuzzi and the trip to France or what could be the future behind door #1, we took the Jacuzzi and the trip to France. And now we tell ourselves that owning a Hybrid SUV is an example of going rogue. Since when did not growing up, become a political act? I am truly disgusted by our generation; we latch onto conservatism or liberalism not because these ideas are right, but because they make us feel better. There is the epiphany! Maybe our generation didn't want to make the world better, we just wanted feel better about the world. Is it not better to look good than feel good? Maybe the last fifty years has been about self-esteem. It sure hasn't been about reality. If it was, Materialism would come out of the closet and be designated a new religion. Celebrities would become the High Priests, with fame and fortune as the new aesthetic. Remember the only people who don't like gated communities are the people that don't live in them. Come on over to the "Dark Side, Luke." If that's what we are as a people, maybe we should run with it. Maybe we should all wear white and become disciples. Gordon Gecko as the new Prophet. Bring back Morgan, Vanderbilt and Carnegie as Greek Gods. They didn't whine when people referred to them as money-grubbing bastards. They wore their derision with pride. Bill Gates is the richest man of our time. Think about it, when is the last time Bill "Bitch slapped" an assistant? When is the last time Bill authorized his security people to gun down a bunch of workers on strike? No, it wouldn't play well with the press. Plastic people, made for plastic times. Where are the new Titans? They’re reading their self-help books.
Now back to finding the perfect chemical balance.
Your humble servant,
Brother Gregory
P.S. Changed timer to sex the Cannabis, can't wait to see how many girls there are.
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