Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #7 Bunker talk with...

Dear Don1001,
I have been up for 36 hours going through internet and satellite watching the Wall Street lobbyists keep coming, like some sort of Army of Darkness. Waves of Finance lobbyists, you keep killing them and still they march forth. It's as if the bowels of Hell have opened and every hack political lobbyist that ever lived has risen from the dead. I swear to God I saw Roy Cohn in the background of a Press conference last night. Speaking of Satan's Spawn, Roy Cohn was one glorious Son of a Bitch. He was the sort of hit-man that Obama will need now. Kill them all and let God sort out the good ones. That was Roy's motto. If some innocent people got burned, so be it. In any war (especially cultural) there are casualties. Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. But if you dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight, there will be Hell to pay. Speaking of which why isn't Dubya seen in public much recently? Think about it. Satanic rituals can take days, sometimes months. And isn’t Cheney's due for a 25,000 mile heart attack/soul change? What better way to use your time than heart surgery/ ritual blood letting. They said Dubya was in seclusion so he could write his memoirs. That's what tipped me off, introspection and Dubya, that's an oxymoron. The act of introspection would pose so many questions that the former President's head would probably explode. No, it must be Satanic rituals. It will be curious to see how many young children will show up missing from small communities around Texas. Of course it will explained away as some “Marijuana Addicted Child Molester”. Who when captured, will have an ACLU card in his possession. And then the whole ugly episode will be swept under the rug. And we will have another Satanist former President, but Dubya wasn’t the first and probably won't be the last. But when you think about Politics has always been a dance with Devil. And yes, the Devil always gets his due. Ol’ Scratch has always used the allure of power as his primary recruiting tool. But us mere mortals should not think of such things. For soon the planets will align and there will be a tear in the Cosmic Continuum. Then the new Prince’s Faustian agreement will be rendered. While the "little People" get on with simple things like rampant materialism passed off as a religious holiday. Must sleep, now.
Your humble servant, Brother Gregory
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