Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #22 Sarah and NCOs...

Dear Don1001,

On June 14, 2009 then Alaska Governor Sarah Palin declared it “Day of the  Non-Commissioned Officer.” Ms. Palin can relate to NCOs, Sarah didn’t get to go to officer’s school, either. The former Governor got to where she is, with pluck and guile, not her “connections”. When she was asked if she wanted to be the V.P. candidate, she said bring it, not “I have to think about it or pray about it”. Sarah went for it, with no fear. A lot of people would have said time-out, I have to call my significant other or call their Rabbi, something to digest the moment, not Ms. Palin, it was Carpe Diem, Motherfucker. The difference between mediocrity and greatness is seeing an opportunity and grabbing it by the throat then choking it until it gives what you want. No one asked Stalin if he was smart enough or if he went to the right schools, more than once. Power isn’t about a resume or a pedigree. It’s an exercise in focused, kinetic energy that changes the status quo. Power is the ability to get a lot people to show up at certain place, at a certain time and then get these people geeked up enough to do anything you want. George Wallace never killed anyone, he never had to ask, other people understood what needed to be done, and did it for George. It’s hard to say if Ms. Palin has that sort of mojo but whatever you do, don’t underestimate this woman. Our modern day “Cassius”, has a lean and hungry look, and who knows that better than John McCain. Sarah came to praise John and ended up with the hard line Christian conservatives, doing to the aging Vietnam Vet, what the Roman Senators did to Caesar, but this time it was done by thousands of paper-cuts that ended up bleeding his presidential quest and political career to death. All the while Sarah stood beside John, she was smiling, knowing that the crowds were there to see her, not a quasi-conservative that got bogged by down by the facts and the need to actually govern the country. The country had finally found its’ “Stephen Colbert candidate”, a woman that went with her gut with no introspection or doubt. All because of an old man’s libido, “One of the little People” got to run for the second highest office in the land. And once Sarah got her chance at fame and fortune, she would not go gently into the night. Sarah will not dodge any opportunity to make more money or her more famous. So it’s not ironic, that “Caribou Barbie” scares the shit out of a huge amount of people in rural and small town America. In small towns, they know you that the last person you want running the country is Joe sixpack at the end of the bar. There’s a reason that a bar stool knows the contours of that man’s “glute’s” and why he’s not running for higher office. Sometimes the profit is scorned in their own village, but when they knew her, she was a small town mayor. I have a feeling that Sarah won’t be staying on the farm long because once you’ve been to LA and got silk “undies”, it’s hard to go back to flannel. So will Sarah remember her roots and her non-com ways? So we shall see if the real Ms. Palin is an Officer or a Non-Com. Personally I have fond feelings towards Non Commissioned Officers, most of my uncles were “lifers” and all were NCOs, I asked my Uncle Bob, if he had wished he’d gone to officer’s school. He answered, “Why would you want to be an officer?”
           Why, indeed, Brother Gregory

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