Dear Don1001,
There’s a not a lot do in the bunker except for working out, tending the garden, reading, getting high (but you can only get so high then you die) and then there’s cruising the Right Wing/Tea Party Web sites. I never stay long (paranoia is perfect awareness) because you know that everybody from the American Enterprise Institute to the White House are watching the Tea Party sites. The folks that keep track of these things know these web sites are the physical manifestations of disaffected White folks or as I like to call them, Euro-Americans. Lower and middle class Euro-Americans make up the mortar of America, they are the majority of the people that still believe in the “system” and the mythical idea of America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. If these people turn against the government, the U.S. is toast and the powers that be, know it. Not that Africans, Asians and Central Americans contributions to the U.S. haven’t been enormous, but the grunt work of selling the U.S. as a “franchise” to it’s self and the World has fell to working class Euro-Americans. No other socio-economic group has sold the myth of manifest destiny and cultural superiority of the U.S. more furiously than Euro-Americans that actually work for a living. So the power structure in New York and Washington can’t help but wonder if the Tea Parties (99% Euro-American) represent fringe groups or the tip of an Iceberg. So every bit of info the Tea Party people post, print or transmit is being collected and dissected. Meanwhile, the Tea Party people think that the Internet and Web Sites are one of the greatest things to ever happen since sliced white bread, because it allows them to organize and meet. But do most of the Tea Party people realize that these Web sites also make it that much easier for the Government to track them? There is a certain amount of irony here; technology has enabled millions of American jobs to go over seas, yet America still worships technology. The promise of technology has always teased everybody with a better future (everyone will have flying cars and live in luxury) that always seems just over the horizon, but it never delivers. We have more technology and choices than ever and yet most people aren’t happy. So while technology hasn’t brought forth “Utopian Socialist” bliss it does enable the CIA, NSA and FBI to track each and every one of us. So as the Tea Party people fantasize about taking back their country, the Neo-conservatives will try to exploit them while the ”Lefties” try to tap into liberal disaffection. I feel for the Tea Party people because their pain is real but it is misdirected. Their oppressors are the people that don’t actually work, their money does and because the top 1% of the population have about 90% of the wealth, they get to make the rules. Mexican immigrants didn’t sell out the middle class and working poor of the US of A, it was Wall Street, which reminds me of an old saying “There are none as blind, as those who will not see”.
A one-eyed man, in the kingdom of the blind, Brother Gregory
You can see videos of these sage observations here:
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