Wednesday, May 4, 2011

#38 “Made in America”

Dear Don1001,

I’m not sure how much longer I can go before I need to go on another run for supplies and some newspapers. I continually read the same old issues of the New York Times, time and time again. Why is it so hard to find a Wall Street Journal or an Economist? Anyway I’m reading the Times and I remember this little morsel; D.C. Sniper Who Killed 10 in 2002 is Executed (Nov. 10-09), John Allen Muhammed known for killing 10 people in the nation's capital in 2002, is executed in a Virginia prison. And I began to wonder why domestic political terrorists don’t seem to scare the shit out of the power structure like Islamic terrorists do? When Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols took out 168 people on a beautiful day on April 19, 1995, there was no one clambering to take down every chapter of the Aryan Nation or any of the separatist groups that openly advocated the overthrow of the U.S. government. Why wasn’t there a domestic version of the Patriot Act? Wonder why? Maybe its because some of these fringe groups are very convenient at times to certain parts of the Military/Industrial complex. Check through the company formerly known as Blackwater, and the cross connections can be quite interesting. I can personally attest that the best prices for bulk ammo I’ve ever received came from a group of Klansmen from Pascagoula, Mississippi. I worked for an unknown employer a few months in the Inter-coastal waterways with a “crew” of Klan members, moving large amounts of merchandise (it was some sort of crystalline substance in bulk, I never asked what it was, but when handling it my heart would race like a rabbit’s) back in the 80’s. Although I could never relate to their racial politics we both shared an appreciation for high-powered weapons, prescription methamphetamines, and ladies of African descent. This Pascagoula “crew” hated Black people but any chance they got to hook up with Black women, they did. It was always a weird contradiction that made my head spin. Which leads into the love/hate relationship that America has with domestic political terrorists. Ask the British, who were the first political terrorists in America? And the Brits will tell you, Paul Revere, John Adams, Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry (which they hung) most of which participated in the first Tea Party, yet in the U.S. they are the Fathers of our Country. You see, business oriented political fanatics not religious fanatics founded our Country, so there is an inherent soft place in our hearts, for those that fight the “man”, especially if there's potential profit. In some of the circles I use to travel in, Timothy McVeigh is a fallen hero. Mr. Tim died without “ratting” out his brothers and fought the New World Order to his death, taking out as many Federalists, as possible. Tim and his associates' anxieties are very similar to the present day frustrations of the people that fear government more than anything. Which makes it curious to see if a Tea Party supporter kills for the cause and subsequently dies fighting for their version of liberty. Because as people from the right and the left ratchet up the rhetoric, sooner or later someone is going to go “Timothy McVeigh” on the government. It will be curious to see whom they’ll attack; I’m betting the next attack will be against the IRS. Almost everyone on the far right or far left hates the IRS. So I’m handicapping the “Over/Under” on the next Domestic Political Terrorist Attack at 12 months.
                                         Betting on under,
                                               hoping for over,
                                                       Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here:

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