Dear Don1001,
Its been awhile since I posted and I have to admit I fell into a black spell. A depression got on top of me, but I’m back and totally aware. I’ve spent the last few months monitoring the fringes on both the ”Left” and the “Right” and they are both groups are 3 cans of Red Bull amped up with no place to go. The only difference between the Wing-nuts and the Pinkos is that the Tea Party people are so much better armed it’s not even funny. Don’t get me wrong – the extreme Left aren’t pacifists, I saw this T shirt at a Green Peace event, “I have a Bible, a gun and I’m a liberal!” Oh it sounds bad-ass but the extreme Right has been stockpiling arms for years and they practice killing people. So I can’t stop thinking about the Oklahoma City Bombing. After all of these years I’m still not sure how I feel about it. The Bombing was a horrible thing that killed the unknowing and the innocent while providing nothing but pain to those involved. Yet it is these periodic acts of political violence that make up our DNA. The willingness to kill for a political ideal is the reason why we’re not Canada. The act of destroying of a political structure, then creating a new one, then wanting to repeat the process every few decades is a totally American phenomenon. Let’s face it, right before the Civil War, rich White People in South totally controlled everything and had slaves yet they still weren’t happy. The South insisted that new territories allow slavery and when they couldn’t get that concession, they started a war that was the bloodiest in our history. The South's justification for the Civil War was that the North was oppressing the South’s ability to oppress more Blacks. Which goes to show that real injustices or aggressions have nothing to do with people justifying horrible acts of violence. A large amount of people throughout history done the most horrible acts imaginable with perfect moral clarity for ideas that turned out to be a myth. And speaking of myths, how about democracy in America? It’s not that hard to come to the conclusion that true individual freedom in the United States to some extent has always been an illusion. When the Constitution was signed, you could still own people of color and women couldn’t vote. And over 200 years later the poor, women and people of color still get treated like crap. Yet it’s not these people that talking about taking back their country. As in the Revolutionary War, the people augmenting violent change were self-employed merchants and writers (the shock jocks of their time). Our Forefather lived fairly well but they still wanted more. Which leads us to Timothy McVeigh, how oppressed was Mr. McVeigh? What doors were closed to Timmy because of the United States Government? Somehow I don’t think that the shackles of Fascism were keeping him from getting laid or getting a decent job. Which leads to the disenfranchised on the Right, they make more money and have a better education than the average “Joe”, so what is exactly their problem? Seriously, how bad do Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh have it? Yet they’re always pissed off about something. Regardless of whether their complaints are legit, I take the Tea Party people and their feeling of oppression seriously. And you should too because a lot of these people have Assault Rifles with large clips. The fringe on the Left may not be reality based but they aren’t fatalistic like some on the Right, which are “End Time Warriors” looking forward to Armageddon. And that the little fact, my friend, should keep everyone wrapped tight.
If you’re not in the Bunker, you should be, Brother Gregory
If you’re not in the Bunker, you should be, Brother Gregory
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