Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #10 "Krystal Nacht” and Sarah

Dear Don1001,
It’s been a few weeks since the so-called election (Is Obama secretly a robot?) and nothing has changed, so what better time for Sarah Palin and her Tea Party followers to stage a coup. It would start with civil disobedience attacks on various members of the Supreme Court and Congress. Then there would be Sarah’s "Kristal Nacht" where old political scores would be settled in the pitch-blackness of early morning, starting with John McCain and Katie Couric being summarily dispatched. This would result in an emergency situation and in the ensuing chaos; Obama would have to declare martial law. As Palin’s people take to the streets, Sarah declares Alaska a Republic with herself as Queen, (Empress sounded too fancy). The only downside to this strategy is that if in a couple of days Sarah can't consolidate her power, the “Anointed One” will deal with Palin, with extreme prejudice. Once the smoke clears, Obama will issue “shoot to kill” orders to send a signal to those who would fuck with him. If that happens, Sarah and few hardcore followers will have to head for the Mountains in the Yukon Territories or hang by their heels. Once isolated, Sarah would send out guerrilla lawyers to file writs and lawsuits. Sarah’s manifestos would be nailed to the doors of the Malls, sort of like a modern day, Martin Luther. Sarah eventually would become the new Eva Peron. Preaching in the defense of the common man, Sarah could wear a green beret and cute camo outfits. Todd, there by her side, with his snowmobile and camera to record her exploits. Glen Beck could be her Che'. Roaming all over the country, Palin and her followers would break into Court Houses purging Democratic voter registrations. This scenario may be harsh but I think that is the only way Sarah will survive. It will be tough and they will probably hound Sarah and her followers like animals. It will test their metal, at times barely having enough batteries to run a laptop. Sarah and Glen will constantly looking for uplinks, so they can deliver periodic messages to the masses. This constant cold, hunger, and the humiliation will be the trials and tribulations that will forge her and her followers like steel. They will grow strong while waiting for those middle of the road Republicans and pinko Democrats to get fat and complacent. Then when the time is right, Sarah and her followers will sweep out of the Mountains and claim her political legacy. The people will rise up and join Palinistas as they march through city after city. They will pick up more followers with each impassioned speech throughout the USA (except for the really Blue States, which are like a different country anyway). With her slogan: "We’re goin’ maverick", young people will flock to her cause by the thousands, rejecting intellectualism and the "inherent wisdom of books". Verily, there would be new world. The question is, does Sarah have the “stones” to go for it?
Sensing God's presence continually, 
Brother Gregory
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