Dear Don1001,
It’s Ground hog Day and since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, we’ll probably get eight more years of fucked-up government. In 2001, the first year of Dubya’s regime, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and we ended up with two Presidential terms of detachment combined with incompetent, crisis management. That high level of dysfunction doesn’t fall off the truck, it must have been star-crossed, and so the Gods conspired against Dubya and because of our indifference, they now take out their wrath on us. We have worshipped the wrong Gods. So as I sit here naked and doing "one hits" of some incredible Afghani reefer (you can get the best dope during wars), I realize that what constitutes religion in the Western World is only lip service. The real religion of the West is unapologetic materialism and vanity. People want 457 TV channels, not a higher level of consciousness and people are always led where they want to go. And when they get there, they sure as fuck don't want to share the view. This is why the Democrats will continue to fail. Democrats condescendingly think people will collectively do what’s best for the nation, while the Republicans appeal to people's fears and greed. And no amount wailing by the righteous and gnashing of teeth by the vanquished will change this. (Damn Afghani! It really wreaks havoc on your lungs. But nothing takes the edge off, like it. And as you can imagine, I've been on edge lately. So the smoke is so thick in here you could probably roll it.) Where was I? Oh, the "Siren Song" of the Republicans to the little people: "you cannot trust the Democrats, they will let bad people take away your things and give them to someone less deserving. While we, the Republicans, will let you keep yours things and let you get more." Because of this human fragility, the Democrats will continue to be toast. So now that Obama has been elected, the power structure has struck back and this time its no more Mr. nice guy. "You want a Democracy? You fucking can't handle a Democracy!" followed by the light open handed slap to the face. "Shut up and sit down!" And we do. Then because we are all confused and hurt, we get the "Pimp Apology" from Congress: "You know what I did, I did because I love you. Baby, when I smacked you, you was talking all that crazy talk. Saying that you could decide what’s best for yourself, when baby you know, I know, what's best for you. I'll always love and take care of you, until I kill your ass." And cause we will be crying and shit, we'll get held for a little while and told that we’re loved, before we have to go back earning for the man. And while being held, we dream of the day that we won't have to keep working the streets to get love from our government.
Yup, the fantasy of Democracy is often better than the reality.
Listening to whales, Brother Gregory
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