Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #13 I come not to praise...

Dear Don1001,
Obama had his moment for a chance at immortality. Yes, he could have gone down as a Political God, instead he’ll probably be a pathetic footnote in history. Obama was in one of those rare moments in time and space, where the World watched and waited. Transfixed on every word, we lionized our true example of the American Dream. But there is only one thing America likes better than building up almost mythical Black figures, that’s tearing them down, just ask Jack Johnson, Malcolm X or Michael Jackson. When you said you wanted to change things, we didn’t actually think that you meant it, because nothing scares the shit out of people more than change. So when Obama tried to keep his campaign promises, everyone turned on him like Philadelphia Fans do the Eagles. But that scenario didn’t have to be. You see, if Obama had had himself "wacked" ten minutes after his inauguration, Barry would have become one of those rare, mythical figures of History. Once martyred, Obama would be remembered as a people’s champion, sacrificed in defense of the unclean masses, people for years to come would have wondered aloud what would have been, if only Obama had lived. Children of both sexes would be named Barack. And of course there would be several cults formed. But that is not to be, the foul stench of gridlock has overpowered any "juice" Obama gained from the need for change.
Meanwhile McCain hasn’t faired much better. The Senate has changed, and so has the Republican Party from Knoxville to Tallahassee. Remember those genteel Country Club Republicans that once controlled the party, they have been replaced by Bible toting, Right Wing, Christian Conservatives, and right about now, they are feeling pretty damn good about themselves, so they are not in the mood for losers that are kind of liberal that have a tendency to lecture. The truth is that McCain had a much harder time getting elected than he ever imagined and it sent him reeling to the hard Right. McCain has become like an old whore, the tricks will get cheaper and cheaper, until John won't be able to give it away. McCain could do Dinner Theater with an adapted version of "Of Mice and Men". That’s right, with Joe Lieberman playing Lenny, "Tell me about the rabbits, John, tell me about the rabbits." It was the least that McCain could do. McCain knew that when Lieberman was mentioned as a possible Republican VP candidate that Joe’s political career would be on a spiral ride into the drink. The next time he runs for Senate, Joe’s toast. Then Lieberman will do the "Rubber Chicken" circuit and collect his pension. Maybe he will teach or run a university. But in his waning years, he too, will think back to a cold, crisp, winter evening in December 2000, when for one moment the World was his stage, and for a few fleeting minutes, Joe was almost a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Yes, Joe, your revenge against the Democrats wasn't nearly as sweet as you thought it would be. The Republicans didn't give a Damn about you. With McCain, Lieberman was like a one-night stand with an old girl friend, in the morning light, he saw how much baggage Joe had gained and the wrinkles. Yes, Joe was Coyote ugly. This opened the door for the Vanilla Thrilla from Wasilla to be picked. It's like National Lampoon is running the fucking country. Right now the drugs just aren't powerful enough to get rid of the flashbacks. I'm in a quandary, the country has got to get saner or the drugs have to get better.
Your humble servant,
Brother Gregory
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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #12 Groundhog Day And The Opiate Of The Masses...

Dear Don1001,
It’s Ground hog Day and since Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, we’ll probably get eight more years of fucked-up government. In 2001, the first year of Dubya’s regime, Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and we ended up with two Presidential terms of detachment combined with incompetent, crisis management. That high level of dysfunction doesn’t fall off the truck, it must have been star-crossed, and so the Gods conspired against Dubya and because of our indifference, they now take out their wrath on us. We have worshipped the wrong Gods. So as I sit here naked and doing "one hits" of some incredible Afghani reefer (you can get the best dope during wars), I realize that what constitutes religion in the Western World is only lip service. The real religion of the West is unapologetic materialism and vanity. People want 457 TV channels, not a higher level of consciousness and people are always led where they want to go. And when they get there, they sure as fuck don't want to share the view. This is why the Democrats will continue to fail. Democrats condescendingly think people will collectively do what’s best for the nation, while the Republicans appeal to people's fears and greed. And no amount wailing by the righteous and gnashing of teeth by the vanquished will change this. (Damn Afghani! It really wreaks havoc on your lungs. But nothing takes the edge off, like it. And as you can imagine, I've been on edge lately. So the smoke is so thick in here you could probably roll it.) Where was I? Oh, the "Siren Song" of the Republicans to the little people: "you cannot trust the Democrats, they will let bad people take away your things and give them to someone less deserving. While we, the Republicans, will let you keep yours things and let you get more." Because of this human fragility, the Democrats will continue to be toast. So now that Obama has been elected, the power structure has struck back and this time its no more Mr. nice guy. "You want a Democracy? You fucking can't handle a Democracy!" followed by the light open handed slap to the face. "Shut up and sit down!" And we do. Then because we are all confused and hurt, we get the "Pimp Apology" from Congress: "You know what I did, I did because I love you. Baby, when I smacked you, you was talking all that crazy talk. Saying that you could decide what’s best for yourself, when baby you know, I know, what's best for you. I'll always love and take care of you, until I kill your ass." And cause we will be crying and shit, we'll get held for a little while and told that we’re loved, before we have to go back earning for the man. And while being held, we dream of the day that we won't have to keep working the streets to get love from our government.
Yup, the fantasy of Democracy is often better than the reality.
Listening to whales, Brother Gregory

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #11 We Must Create A New Dialogue...

Dear Don1001,
The following observation comes no longer from conventional reality but from a heightened awareness. This certainty results from the ingestion of 5 grams of Psilocybin mushrooms and the fulcrum of history.
Now as the economic body count rises, I realize that Wall Street will never be cowed. There is a truth to be told: The American people would rather fight for Democracy than practice it. Yes, we talk a very good game. But when it comes down to it, we’d rather be told a big lie like “The Banks are too big to fail” than spend the time to study the problem. Anyway the few deciding what is best for the masses is a time-honored tradition in America. The Federal Reserve was an institution born to prevent the unclean masses (Banks) from making ill informed decisions or in other words practicing Democracy. Yes, and we will fight to keep it this way. Just don't let it happen in another country, then we are forced to be righteously indignant and possibly carpet bomb the crap out of you. Because the “Breath of God” has touched me, there is a newfound wisdom starting to emerge in me. It has revealed that the “Truth” doesn’t exist in the Political Spectrum. Ideologies have no loyalty to anything except themselves. All space and time must bend to their laws. The theory is: “If we get Conservative enough or Liberal enough, that will lead us to the Promise Land". It doesn't work, it never has. People are the problem. Every Ideology needs competent people and there are never enough to quite make it work.
Once people are enlightened to this realization, it will be a gauntlet thrown down to those who cheapen Democracy. We need a new political dialectic. Man's evolutionary thought processes need to be spurred to new heights. We will punish those who trivialize the political spectrum by the wholesale use of ideologies to blur the facts. If you state a position it should be fixed in a thought and awareness of the human condition! Those with political utterances should those observations based in reality! We have to become Artists within the Political medium, learning to use video as the retina of the mind's eye to discern the difference between appearance and substance! The most expressive canvass of true Freedom Fighters is the mind. We can't depend on Obama and the other hacks in Washington to tap into the unconscious of the American politique and solve our problems because they're too busy staring into their own navels.
With the breath of God upon my lips,
Brother Gregory

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #10 "Krystal Nacht” and Sarah

Dear Don1001,
It’s been a few weeks since the so-called election (Is Obama secretly a robot?) and nothing has changed, so what better time for Sarah Palin and her Tea Party followers to stage a coup. It would start with civil disobedience attacks on various members of the Supreme Court and Congress. Then there would be Sarah’s "Kristal Nacht" where old political scores would be settled in the pitch-blackness of early morning, starting with John McCain and Katie Couric being summarily dispatched. This would result in an emergency situation and in the ensuing chaos; Obama would have to declare martial law. As Palin’s people take to the streets, Sarah declares Alaska a Republic with herself as Queen, (Empress sounded too fancy). The only downside to this strategy is that if in a couple of days Sarah can't consolidate her power, the “Anointed One” will deal with Palin, with extreme prejudice. Once the smoke clears, Obama will issue “shoot to kill” orders to send a signal to those who would fuck with him. If that happens, Sarah and few hardcore followers will have to head for the Mountains in the Yukon Territories or hang by their heels. Once isolated, Sarah would send out guerrilla lawyers to file writs and lawsuits. Sarah’s manifestos would be nailed to the doors of the Malls, sort of like a modern day, Martin Luther. Sarah eventually would become the new Eva Peron. Preaching in the defense of the common man, Sarah could wear a green beret and cute camo outfits. Todd, there by her side, with his snowmobile and camera to record her exploits. Glen Beck could be her Che'. Roaming all over the country, Palin and her followers would break into Court Houses purging Democratic voter registrations. This scenario may be harsh but I think that is the only way Sarah will survive. It will be tough and they will probably hound Sarah and her followers like animals. It will test their metal, at times barely having enough batteries to run a laptop. Sarah and Glen will constantly looking for uplinks, so they can deliver periodic messages to the masses. This constant cold, hunger, and the humiliation will be the trials and tribulations that will forge her and her followers like steel. They will grow strong while waiting for those middle of the road Republicans and pinko Democrats to get fat and complacent. Then when the time is right, Sarah and her followers will sweep out of the Mountains and claim her political legacy. The people will rise up and join Palinistas as they march through city after city. They will pick up more followers with each impassioned speech throughout the USA (except for the really Blue States, which are like a different country anyway). With her slogan: "We’re goin’ maverick", young people will flock to her cause by the thousands, rejecting intellectualism and the "inherent wisdom of books". Verily, there would be new world. The question is, does Sarah have the “stones” to go for it?
Sensing God's presence continually, 
Brother Gregory
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #9 To Stare Into The Great Abyss....

Dear Don1001,
Now that’s Obama is politically a "dead man" walking, Washington's got to be as tense as a straight in a Gay Bar. Today starts the new power plays just like the old power plays and there will be gridlock. And since he won’t able to please anyone, if I was Obama, I’d be "Until you people can get your act together I’m going to hang here in the White House smoke blunts, play ball and occasionally rub on Michelle’s nice big booty ". Now granted there are those among you who would think that such a statement, was a sign of not having "leadership" qualities. You couldn't be more wrong. Right now maybe what we need is dynamic inactivity. All this public discourse will continue to take the common denominator, lower. Personally, I preferred when laws were hammered out in smoke filled rooms, but I wax nostalgic. When LBJ grabbed people by their short hairs (he did it with style and panache) he got shit got done. Sure there was that whole Vietnam thing but every President gets a mulligan. While watching Fox News talk about the Tax debate yesterday I had to snort finely ground Khat to stay awake. Not once did anyone threaten bodily harm. Two hundred years ago we would have at least a couple of duels and a "caning" in a similar situation. Yes, our politicians have grown soft and so has the Press. Politicians and Reporters use to literally fistfight as political discourse. Now it's a curt reply or you’re a mean person, and you should apologize. Where is Obama’s J. Edgar Hoover? The “go to guy” that enables Presidents to pass legislation? Obama wants to practice high-stakes power politics but then wants a consensus. Dream on, Mary. But I keep watching, I can't help myself. It's sort like a very bad car wreck, as you pass it, you know you shouldn't look, but you do. Looking for every bit of human tragedy, you can. Searching for carnage so that you can later protest how horrible it was. Yes, the American public complains that this whole episode is sordid, yet they lap it up like mother's milk. Will this righteous indignation spur on a new found participation in the Democratic process? Yeah, right. Not unless you make democracy more like a game show. Have Showgirls combined with newest flashiest Voter Machine technology. God! You got to love this Country!
Still seeking the perfection that drugs can make,
Brother Gregory
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