Sunday, December 5, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #9 To Stare Into The Great Abyss....

Dear Don1001,
Now that’s Obama is politically a "dead man" walking, Washington's got to be as tense as a straight in a Gay Bar. Today starts the new power plays just like the old power plays and there will be gridlock. And since he won’t able to please anyone, if I was Obama, I’d be "Until you people can get your act together I’m going to hang here in the White House smoke blunts, play ball and occasionally rub on Michelle’s nice big booty ". Now granted there are those among you who would think that such a statement, was a sign of not having "leadership" qualities. You couldn't be more wrong. Right now maybe what we need is dynamic inactivity. All this public discourse will continue to take the common denominator, lower. Personally, I preferred when laws were hammered out in smoke filled rooms, but I wax nostalgic. When LBJ grabbed people by their short hairs (he did it with style and panache) he got shit got done. Sure there was that whole Vietnam thing but every President gets a mulligan. While watching Fox News talk about the Tax debate yesterday I had to snort finely ground Khat to stay awake. Not once did anyone threaten bodily harm. Two hundred years ago we would have at least a couple of duels and a "caning" in a similar situation. Yes, our politicians have grown soft and so has the Press. Politicians and Reporters use to literally fistfight as political discourse. Now it's a curt reply or you’re a mean person, and you should apologize. Where is Obama’s J. Edgar Hoover? The “go to guy” that enables Presidents to pass legislation? Obama wants to practice high-stakes power politics but then wants a consensus. Dream on, Mary. But I keep watching, I can't help myself. It's sort like a very bad car wreck, as you pass it, you know you shouldn't look, but you do. Looking for every bit of human tragedy, you can. Searching for carnage so that you can later protest how horrible it was. Yes, the American public complains that this whole episode is sordid, yet they lap it up like mother's milk. Will this righteous indignation spur on a new found participation in the Democratic process? Yeah, right. Not unless you make democracy more like a game show. Have Showgirls combined with newest flashiest Voter Machine technology. God! You got to love this Country!
Still seeking the perfection that drugs can make,
Brother Gregory
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