Tuesday, July 26, 2011

#53 “Brother Gregory Has Left The Building”

Dear Don1001,
It’s been a year in the Bunker and I made a mistake. I started engaging people on the Internet Highway and when you get a lot of traffic it gets you noticed. So at any moment they could come after me or I could simply lose my mind. Anyway it’s been a good run, but now it’s time to run. Yes, run, fast, hard and low to the ground. Get under the Radar and keep moving. You can stay in one location for only so long, then it becomes a matter of when, not a matter of if. The law of statistical probabilities is a bitch and when it starts to rear it’s ugly head, you’re toast. Yes, one can dance with the Devil for so long before the Devil gets his due. So I’m out of here, I’ve said too much, for too long and there are always some consequences, especially if you irritate the wrong people. And that’s the problem with the Federal government, they have a huge amount of faceless bureaucrats with just enough power that if one of them gets a hard-on about you or something that you did, they can make your life a living Hell. Been there, done that, just followers orders, ma’am, I can’t help it that you lost everything. You can vent your frustrations about the system until you piss someone off, it might be something you said or you remind them of their brother-in-law and they hate their brother-in-law and then it’s a whole new ballgame. When you upset or worse yet, piss off the Status Quo, you immediately start being associated with conspiracy theories, UFO’s or fringe groups. It marginalizes those that aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. It’s at that point, officially they make you an outlaw, drug addict or insane, sometimes all three. One way or the other those that wield the power in this country discredit or dispatch those that they feel will threaten their hold on power. It doesn’t matter if this is an actual threat or a personal vendetta, once you’re in the system as a threat, you’re fair game and when in doubt, close counts. When it comes to power politics the motto becomes “Kill them, before they grow”. So I don’t have a clue if I’m on the list and I doubt that my ties from the old days will protect me, anyway. Loyalty comes from having power and favors to give, and right now I don’t have either of those things. And I feel the need to get out there in the flux. Something is going on as I write. It is a dynamic change in how we see the World and ourselves. Most of the time heightened awareness happens because of necessity. I feel the need to hear, smell and taste this change. So now I must move and keep moving, I’ll surface in the future, when one develops.

                                                                 Jumping into the Abyss, Brother Gregory
You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

#52 “Cassius Has A Lean And Hungry Look”

Dear Don1001,
I just got done watching a group of right wing pundits explain how Obama is ”One and Done” because of the “Tea Party”. Throw in the kicker of unemployment and there’s nobody that thinks that Barry can be re-elected. Those poor delusional bastards don’t realize they’re the past and the big “O” is the future. Mr. Obama is a whole lot smarter than just about everyone in the room. Usually this can’t be said about Presidents, they tend not to be intellectual giants. Even among those Presidents considered great, most were just above average intelligence. Except for Jefferson, most of our revered Presidents weren’t overly bright. Then came Obama, who is extremely intelligent, aware and patient. Those facts alone should scare the shit out of anyone challenging Obama. Especially the patient part, most great men have drive, vision or determination but few have patience. When you combine intellect with discipline and focus be afraid, be very afraid. These are the characteristics of serial killers that never get caught. Intellect, discipline and intellect enable a successful serial killer to pounce only when he is certain that he won’t get caught. Over a period of decades there might be years in between murders, the patience always overcomes the compulsion. Sound familiar? Not that I’m saying that President Obama is a serial killer, but if he was, there’s a good chance you’d never know about it. No, Obama is probably one of those truly noble people that do good because it’s the right thing to do. This ultimately is more unnerving than Obama being a bloodthirsty tyrant. It’s much easier to relate to a self-centered ego driven maniac than a selfless public servant that thinks of others first. A person that truly puts the interests of others first, creeps me out, doesn’t it you? As a culture we are selfish and we love to player hate. Which is why we want Obama to fail, fall or have a scandal and then go away. He reminds us that the American Dream can actually happen and that basically almost all of us were slackers. If a half Kansan-half Kenyan guy with an Islamic name, foreign father (that skipped out) and Hippie Mom can be President, what’s your excuse? Exactly. Which is why, we have to get Obama out of the White House. In order that the nation not feel like a herd of self centered, underachievers, Obama has to lose in 2012. But it probably won’t happen because the Tea Party and the Republicans will probably under estimate Obama and when they realize he’s winning it will be too late. I bet to this day, Ms. Clinton still can’t believe that she lost to a Rookie Senator from Illinois. Obama ran quietly and deep, Clinton didn’t take Barry seriously until it was too late. So look for the Obama machine to lay low until Summer 2011 then the juggernaut will start to roll and the Republican Party will see how much “juice” they really have and how short the memory of the American people really is. My money is on the guy already in power, to paraphrase Shakespeare “Beware of those with a lean and hungry look.”
                         Look for Obama by a nose in 2012, Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum

Friday, July 15, 2011

#51 “Waiting For The Dam To Break”

Dear Don1001,
One of the hardest things for a human being to do is to see things as they are happening. I’m trying to take a deep breath, slow down and understand what exactly is going on in Washington. As the two ideologies settle in to fight their version of Armageddon, the truth about the nation’s financial health keeps getting squeezed. This is because neither the Right nor the Left wants to admit their complicity in this fiasco. The truth can be hard to acknowledge especially when you were asleep at the wheel. And right now our so-called leaders on the Left and the Right are in panic mode as they try to digest the events of the last couple of years. And they’re doing so without cutting it up into smaller chunks and chewing. So don’t be surprised if the country ends up choking on the truth when it gets too big to swallow. The question is? How do you perform the Heimlich maneuver on a whole nation as it starts to have that panicked look on it’s face as it realizes that it might die choking on a big chunk of reality? Because if we you can’t do something, we’ll have to stand there and watch the good old USA become asphyxiated, turns a sickly shade of blue and die. The deaths of empires are usually slow and messy; the only difference this time will be that the whole ugly process will be televised. It won’t be a pretty sight but you’ll still watch. Imagine the kind of Nielsen Ratings the decline of the Roman Empire could have gotten when the Vandals raided Rome. The carnage covered with hourly reports of raping, pillaging and mass killings, it would have been “Must See TV”. Nothing rivets people to the “Tube” like tragedy on a grand scale. The chaos that will ensue from our country as it becomes disenfranchised and starts to disintegrate will enable network TV to have huge amounts of cheap Reality TV without spending a lot of money. So don’t look to the networks for any real solutions, they’ll report, you unravel. Whenever a riot looks like it will get numbers, the networks will throw cameras and commentators at it until the ratings fade. Imagine 24-hour coverage of societal breakdown with quick cuts, cool graphics and 3-D simulations but no substance, wait a second, that’s contemporary TV now.  What’s maddening is that somewhere amid “all access - all the time” the truth is often hidden in plain sight, hidden by a plethora of information and images, sort of like fast food journalism. It’s fast, cheap with almost enough information to justify all of the junk that goes with it. Yes, today’s TV journalism goes down so easy and you don’t have to dwell on anything too long, especially if it’s about topics that make you the least bit uncomfortable. Yes, today’s TV News fits your fast paced life style that tells you what you want to hear, when you want to hear it. Don’t think “meat” just watch and we promise that we won’t confuse you with complex issues that may not have an apparent solutions. We will lead you, where our ratings tell us you want to go. But this will last for so long before one of these days the dam will break and the truth will roll out of the hills. And then either you’ll surf on the truth or it will roll over you.
                                                                Treading water continually, Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum

Saturday, July 9, 2011

#50 “Oklahoma City”

Dear Don1001,
Its been awhile since I posted and I have to admit I fell into a black spell. A depression got on top of me, but I’m back and totally aware. I’ve spent the last few months monitoring the fringes on both the ”Left” and the “Right” and they are both groups are 3 cans of Red Bull amped up with no place to go. The only difference between the Wing-nuts and the Pinkos is that the Tea Party people are so much better armed it’s not even funny. Don’t get me wrong – the extreme Left aren’t pacifists, I saw this T shirt at a Green Peace event, “I have a Bible, a gun and I’m a liberal!” Oh it sounds bad-ass but the extreme Right has been stockpiling arms for years and they practice killing people. So I can’t stop thinking about the Oklahoma City Bombing. After all of these years I’m still not sure how I feel about it. The Bombing was a horrible thing that killed the unknowing and the innocent while providing nothing but pain to those involved. Yet it is these periodic acts of political violence that make up our DNA. The willingness to kill for a political ideal is the reason why we’re not Canada. The act of destroying of a political structure, then creating a new one, then wanting to repeat the process every few decades is a totally American phenomenon. Let’s face it, right before the Civil War, rich White People in South totally controlled everything and had slaves yet they still weren’t happy. The South insisted that new territories allow slavery and when they couldn’t get that concession, they started a war that was the bloodiest in our history. The South's justification for the Civil War was that the North was oppressing the South’s ability to oppress more Blacks. Which goes to show that real injustices or aggressions have nothing to do with people justifying horrible acts of violence. A large amount of people throughout history done the most horrible acts imaginable with perfect moral clarity for ideas that turned out to be a myth. And speaking of myths, how about democracy in America? It’s not that hard to come to the conclusion that true individual freedom in the United States to some extent has always been an illusion. When the Constitution was signed, you could still own people of color and women couldn’t vote. And over 200 years later the poor, women and people of color still get treated like crap. Yet it’s not these people that talking about taking back their country. As in the Revolutionary War, the people augmenting violent change were self-employed merchants and writers (the shock jocks of their time). Our Forefather lived fairly well but they still wanted more. Which leads us to Timothy McVeigh, how oppressed was Mr. McVeigh? What doors were closed to Timmy because of the United States Government? Somehow I don’t think that the shackles of Fascism were keeping him from getting laid or getting a decent job. Which leads to the disenfranchised on the Right, they make more money and have a better education than the average “Joe”, so what is exactly their problem? Seriously, how bad do Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh have it? Yet they’re always pissed off about something. Regardless of whether their complaints are legit, I take the Tea Party people and their feeling of oppression seriously. And you should too because a lot of these people have Assault Rifles with large clips. The fringe on the Left may not be reality based but they aren’t fatalistic like some on the Right, which are “End Time Warriors”  looking forward to Armageddon. And that the little fact, my friend, should keep everyone wrapped tight.
   If you’re not in the Bunker, you should be, Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum

Saturday, July 2, 2011

#49 “The Darkness Within”

Dear Don1001, 
I can’t save the World; I may not even be able to save myself. One can rail against the ignorance that seems to dominate the World for so long, before the introspection begins. It’s early in the morning and two days after my “Christmas” binge, a ghost from Christmas past returns; Stacy Ann Marie, a precocious young lady I met in Liberia in the winter of 92’. I was bringing “merchandise” into Liberia during the First Liberian Civil War (thankfully I was out of the business by the time of the Second Liberian Civil War) and I had a house on the beach in a “safe” zone. One day while I was on the beach two young ladies walked up in cut-offs, used as bathing suits, (written on the butt of their cut-offs in magic marker was the word “juicy”) and began to practice their English slang with me. Stacy Ann asked “What’s your name dog?” Hearing this immediately caused me to almost double over with laughter and Stacy Ann to playfully smack me. After talking a bit, her friend excused herself and I found myself asking her if she wanted to get something to eat. Stacy said yes, but she needed something more appropriate to wear and wanted to know if I had something she could borrow. We wandered into my place and I found a decent shirt and a pair of shorts that would fit her, as I handed the clothes she immodestly took of her tank top and cut-offs and stood there naked. As took the clothes from my hand she quickly bobbed up and kissed me on the cheek. Then just as speedily Stacy Ann Marie had put on the clothes and was dragging me to her favorite place to eat. That night Stacy Ann moved in and a week or so later so did her relatives. I think there about five people; Mom, 2 sisters 2 brothers and occasionally her Dad. It was a great arrangement, they took care of all my needs and any surplus I had I shared with them. Stacy Ann was a cute young lady with a great sense of humor that initially told me she was 21, then 19 and I suspected that she was 18. But what rocked my American sensibilities was when a cousin (Wanda, a former teacher in her 20’s, schools were almost non-existent) visited and told me that Stacy Ann was having a Birthday next month and that the child would be 16 years old. Some things do make you pause and think, like being a 36 year old of European descent in the middle of an African Civil War with a 15 years old woman/child common-law wife and her family. I blurted out to her cousin “I’m 36, what should I do?” She asked “are you good to her and the family?” I said “I treat them as my own.” Wanda said, ”Then keep doing what you’re doing.” Later I confronted Stacy Ann on why she lied about her age, Stacy Ann started to cry and said, ”Because you would think I was too young and send me away.” Which is exactly what I should have done, but I didn’t. Then she started hugging me and then kissing me, which led to us making love, going out for seafood and then bringing a bunch of food back for the family. Which was one of our favorite activities and everything remained the same. And for a couple of weeks our strange family unit worked until a frantic phone call at three in the morning, telling me that the man I’d been doing business with, could no longer hold onto the town where I’d set up and that I had about two hours before a bunch of teenagers wearing wedding dresses carrying AK-47’s and rocket launchers would arrive, geeked up on weed, cocaine and gun powder. So immediately everyone starts packing, Stacy Ann is begging me to take her with me, which I can’t. I have one seat on a transport and I get one bag, nothing else. Anything I can’t pack I give to Mom, plus a couple of pistols and all of my local currency. Before I can really say anything to Stacy Ann, the Hummer is there to take me to the airport, before it falls. I’m standing there holding her, car horn blaring, I take off my bracelet and put it on her wrist and tell her that I will send for her. We have a brief hug as I begin to cry with her and for a moment I held her as I had never held another person. Then I got in the Hummer and left the country. I never saw Stacy Ann Marie again; I hope she’s okay.

                                    Trying to find the light, Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum