Tuesday, July 26, 2011

#53 “Brother Gregory Has Left The Building”

Dear Don1001,
It’s been a year in the Bunker and I made a mistake. I started engaging people on the Internet Highway and when you get a lot of traffic it gets you noticed. So at any moment they could come after me or I could simply lose my mind. Anyway it’s been a good run, but now it’s time to run. Yes, run, fast, hard and low to the ground. Get under the Radar and keep moving. You can stay in one location for only so long, then it becomes a matter of when, not a matter of if. The law of statistical probabilities is a bitch and when it starts to rear it’s ugly head, you’re toast. Yes, one can dance with the Devil for so long before the Devil gets his due. So I’m out of here, I’ve said too much, for too long and there are always some consequences, especially if you irritate the wrong people. And that’s the problem with the Federal government, they have a huge amount of faceless bureaucrats with just enough power that if one of them gets a hard-on about you or something that you did, they can make your life a living Hell. Been there, done that, just followers orders, ma’am, I can’t help it that you lost everything. You can vent your frustrations about the system until you piss someone off, it might be something you said or you remind them of their brother-in-law and they hate their brother-in-law and then it’s a whole new ballgame. When you upset or worse yet, piss off the Status Quo, you immediately start being associated with conspiracy theories, UFO’s or fringe groups. It marginalizes those that aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. It’s at that point, officially they make you an outlaw, drug addict or insane, sometimes all three. One way or the other those that wield the power in this country discredit or dispatch those that they feel will threaten their hold on power. It doesn’t matter if this is an actual threat or a personal vendetta, once you’re in the system as a threat, you’re fair game and when in doubt, close counts. When it comes to power politics the motto becomes “Kill them, before they grow”. So I don’t have a clue if I’m on the list and I doubt that my ties from the old days will protect me, anyway. Loyalty comes from having power and favors to give, and right now I don’t have either of those things. And I feel the need to get out there in the flux. Something is going on as I write. It is a dynamic change in how we see the World and ourselves. Most of the time heightened awareness happens because of necessity. I feel the need to hear, smell and taste this change. So now I must move and keep moving, I’ll surface in the future, when one develops.

                                                                 Jumping into the Abyss, Brother Gregory
You can see videos of these sage observations here: http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum

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