Friday, May 20, 2011

#41 “Missing Doc”

Dear Don1001,

I’ve been reading the some of the latest newspapers that I scammed on my run to the outside and it has posed a question, are there any political writers that aren’t in some sort of time warp? It’s like Bizarro World stuck in neutral with these people, because the only people they are truly writing for are other political writers, especially those that are of a different political persuasion. They continually spare without substance and yet no one calls out these hack writers for ignoring the things that are really fucking up your life and the lives of the rest of the planet. The Wall Street Journal and New York Times are the worst of a long line of editorial writers that have for too long taken themselves way too seriously. That’s why God do I miss Hunter S. Thompson. Doc has not been gone from the stage that long but he has left a large vacuum. One never knows why, a person sticks a large caliber weapon into their mouth and pulls the trigger but there must have been a lot of physical and emotional pain. So although HST is gone the weirdness that remains still needs to written about and dissected by those that aren’t "political groupies". I wonder what Doc would have thought about the emergence of Gretchen Carlson, Ed Schultz, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin (now that she’s a journalist) as champions of “TV Truth”. They are painful examples of  something Doc said “TV is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench running through the heart of the journalism industry, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason, then there's the negative side.” Dr. Thompson knew that the TV News business is uglier than most people can ever imagine. And Sarah Palin is  a perfect example not because of her politics but because of her lack of interest in the World. HST knew that you had to poke and probe everywhere and everyone if you wanted to find the truth. Doc understood that “absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.” Which is why the pursuit of this precious commodity should left out of the hands of former Rodeo Clowns, Sports Casters, Beauty Queens or former political hacks like Carl Rove and Chris Matthews. These people are damaged goods and we don’t need their sanctimonious navel gazing. We need big picture journalism and we need it now. That’s why if we’re lucky somewhere is this great country of ours there’s a gifted juvenile delinquent that is starting to write a little and read a lot.

                           Wishing I had some Ether, Brother Gregory

You can see videos of these sage observations here:

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