Friday, October 22, 2010

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #5 LD (Lethal Dosage) 50

Dear Don1001,
Do not know if you are reading these things. It doesn't matter now. Once you're in the bunker, you’re on your own. The time is now spent with Random thoughts entering the brain. Momentary bits of clarity jumbled together with Memories. Memories, memories, are they mine or somebody else's? Does it matter? A hard drive only holds so much data, and then it begins to reject new data. Hard drives don't differentiate the quality of data, only the amount. So I'm not responsible for this, the Reptile Brain is. Brain Stem Philosophy; bypass 50,000 years of misspent evolution. Food, Sex, and Drugs, the Holy Trinity. Alistair Crowley understood, so did Captain Crunch. In it for the long run, Political Junkies need only to apply. Speaking which, what of Al? What of Al, indeed. When a Hack like Gore no longer has elections, no babies to kiss, there will be withdrawal. I've seen it, John Edwards where are you, Now? Or will he get help? Hi, I'm Al and I'm a Political Junkie. Or will he be in denial and go on a binge, risking an Overdose. There is a pharmaceutical term called LD 50, which is the dosage that would be lethal to 50% of the population. And I figure that it will take a pretty big dose of adulation and hype to get Al buzzed right now. And there lies the rub, there are bold political junkies and old political junkies, rarely are they the same. Al could overdose very easily right now. Been there, done that, It's a weird feeling as you're pushing in the plunger and realize maybe I should have done only 2 "Dime Bags" instead of 3. Yes, Mommy, I'm going to be President. I just need a little more juice. Come on man, just give me a taste! No, Al, I don't think the "man" is coming. It's going to have to be Oxycontin, Wild Irish Rose and a bottle of Nyquil, tonight. No China White, not even Mexican Black Tar, yup Hillbilly Heroin. That's what they call in the hills of Tennessee, Oxycontin, fortified wine and over the counter cough medicine. You see after you run for president, there's nowhere to go, but down. Ask Bob Dole. After you tell the world that you can no longer get your “Dick” hard, it's just a step away from being a sideshow geek. The Horror, The Horror. But that's the future for Al Gore; the stakes are high, winner take all. There probably should be somebody with him at all times, 2012 is calling Al like a Hooker to a sailor on shore leave. The next several months will be the worst. After that, as it is for all addicts, it will be up to Al. The main thing is for Al to admit he has a problem. If not, look for an overdose in Hotel Room. Your humble servant,
Brother Gregory
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