Saturday, January 1, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #14 The insatiable need for closure...

Dear Don1001,
Woke up this morning, hoping that the last couple of years were the result of a very bad batch of mushrooms, it wasn't. Obama is the President of the United States and the Military/Industrial complex is still, very chic. Yep, the Good Ol boys are still firmly entrenched, no matter what the Tea Party people say. And this won’t change, because for the last couple years all the TV transmissions in this country have been digital, and all TV programs were encoded with subliminal messages when being converted from analog to digital with the American public as a mind control lab rat. So right about now is when the whole-scale ”brain-washing” starts getting results. Notice how Obama is only Democrat that ratings have gone up lately? Don’t be surprised if a year from now Obama doesn’t have an 80% approval rating and his re-election becomes a foregone conclusion. (Luckily I’ve developed a device that filters all telecommunication devices safe from mind control signals.) Present day Digital TV is the biggest threat to the American way of life, since Fluoride was put in the water and no one sees it. Obama distracted everyone with taxes, healthcare and “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” all the while hijacking the American Airwaves for the last couple of years. That was the story and no noticed. Obama is the master magician doing what he wants, with the Tea Party and the Far Right watching one hand, while the “Far Left” is still debating whether the other hand even exists. If it weren't for my "Hens and Chicks" Opium poppies I probably would have gouged out my eyes by now. These poppies have more raw morphine per pod than anything I have ever seen. Good thing, otherwise it's Black Op time. "Incoming! Haji at the wire! Hit the Claymore's! Man down!" You know there's nothing like an Afghan Flashback to make everything perfectly clear. You have to kill them, before they kill you. Speaking of Afghanistan, we should have hatched all of the poison out of the mud, after we took down the Russians, we should have taken out all of the Taliban. We could have done the dirty deed in a few weeks. Sure there would have been some innocent women and children that would have been dispatched arbitrarily, well maybe a lot, but that thins the herd and keeps people focused. Of course, it seems extreme now, but at one point, so was post Newtonian Physics. But we learned to live with, what we couldn’t see, quite well, didn't we?
Maybe Obama sees the future and most of us, don’t. Maybe he realizes that the future is always built on the back of the past. Yes, Destruction as an Art form. Yes, that’s it, Obama is an Artist. Tear it down, so we can build it again, destroy it over and over, until we get it right. We weren't afraid to do that it in Nam. We were much more morally focused, then. Sure there was a lot of "collateral damage", but when you "Carpet Bomb" it kind of comes with the territory. Think of it, most of the victims were Buddhist, so they were coming back anyway. Reincarnation, just means we were doing them a favor. Speaking of wanton destruction, that brings back one of my fondest memories: of when I was a 19, hearing a senior officer that was briefing us about an upcoming particularly destructive raid in Nam, the CO advised: "Sometimes you have to destroy a village, in order to save it."
This is exactly the morally clarity this Country needs right now.
Brother Gregory
You can view these rants in a form of a Video:


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