Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Brother Gregory "The Bunker Letters" #15 Den Hague.....

Dear Don1001,

Before the end of the week, former United States Vice President Dick Cheney will be indicted by Nigerian officials in connection with the long-running bribery investigation into Halliburton Company, according to Bloomberg News.

You have to wonder what Dick Cheney thinks, when he reads a Headline like that, because if anyone takes a fall for War Crimes in Iraq, it ain’t going to be Dubya. Say what you want about “Shrub’s” intelligence, but no one understands “plausible deniability” more than the Bushes. You don’t have a hundred year old political dynasty without knowing, when and where, to bury bodies both figuratively and literally. Dubya started covering his track about a year into his second term. Dick Cheney thought Bush was going soft. Dubya wasn’t going soft, he was going smart. The Bushes don’t think next week, they think next decade. “Extremism in the defense of Liberty is never a vice”. But there will be a price to be paid when you violate about a half dozen “crimes against humanity”. No one knows about the “New World Order” better than Old Man Bush. Ol George knows that sooner or later the World Court will hand down warrants for a score of U.S. officials with Dick Cheney at the top of the list. Noticeably absent will be George W. Bush’s name. This is because the “Black Ops” of history have successfully “Hoovered” his legacy. Now a couple of years after Dubya has left office, I challenge anyone to find any proof of Bush committing any War Crime. You won’t, there is no there, there anymore. Those, who have the “juice”, always write with history. And as much as people don’t want to see or admit it, Dick Cheney was always a hired hand. But don’t cry for Dick, as long as he stays in the U.S. and stays away from those really Blue States, he can hide in plain sight. But if he ventures into certain areas of the country that are plagued by a sense of “decency”, all bets are off, because bleeding heart liberals would drop a dime on Dick in a heart-beat. In fact, they might chip in for the airfare. And if I were Dick, I’d stay away from Europe, now. You can bet there is race between France, Belgium and the Netherlands on who tries to prosecute Cheney, first. The city of Hague is called Den Hague by the Dutch. The World Court sentences War Criminals to a prison situated in Den Hague, that gets cold, very cold during the Winter. At this point in Dick’s life, I don’t think he really wants to spend the twilight of his life in a cold prison, while Dubya is sucking down Coronas in the Texas Sun, as Jeb starts his Presidential run.
            I think there is a moral in there somewhere, Brother Gregory
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